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MRI Compatible Virtual Reality System

We developed a fully MRI compatible VR system for brain imaging applications, using gaze tracking for interactive control. It aims to replace the visual scene with engaging content and making the visual experience congruent with physical sensations could further reduce stress.




Instant interaction driven adaptive gaze control interface
K Qian, T Arichi, AD Edwards, JV Hajnal, Scientific Reports 2024

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A Novel VR Based and Motion Tolerant Capability for MR Imaging of Awake Young Children  (To be appear)
K Qian, JV Hajnal, L Cordero-Grande, J O'Muircheartaigh, AD Edwards, T Arichi
Proceedings of the 31th ISMRM, Toronto, Canada; 2023.


A Progressive Calibration Gaze Interaction Interface to Enable to Naturalistic fMRI Experiments 
Kun Qian, Tomoki Arichi, A David Edwards, Jo V Hajnal, 
Proceedings of the 29th ISMRM, Vancouver, Canada; 2021.


Transforming The Experience of Having MRI Using Virtual Reality 

Kun Qian, Tomoki Arichi, Jonathan Eden, Sofia Dall'Orso, Rui Pedro A G Teixeira, Kawal Rhode, Mark Neil, Etienne Burdet, A David Edwards, Jo V Hajnal, 

Proceedings of the 28th ISMRM, Sydney, Australia; 2020.



A Non-Intrusive Eye Tracking Based MRI Compatible VR System

Kun Qian, Tomoki Arichi, Jonathan Eden, Sofia Dall'Orso, Rui Pedro A G Teixeira, Kawal Rhode, Mark Neil, Etienne Burdet, A David Edwards, Jo V Hajnal

Proceedings of the 27th ISMRM, Vancouver, Canada; 2019.


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